Home Forums [22 SEP] New Task – Swimming Classes for Children in [LOCATION]


0 replies, 1 voice Last updated by  Hunain Naseer 7 years, 5 months ago
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  • #20548

    Hunain Naseer

    Salam brothers and sisters,

    A new writing task is here. You have to write an anchor post on the topic: Swimming Classes for Children in [LOCATION].

    Before you begin though, please read through the following instructions:

    1. The post you write needs to be original – which means it has to have your own words and nothing from the sample provided below.
    2. Plagiarism is not just copying content from other articles or online sources. Even copying content from your own previous work is going to come under plagiarism. Please make sure each article you write is new.
    3. You do not have to follow the same sequence as the sample article. The sample is only to give you ideas on what can be included, you can, and we actually encourage you, to come up with your own flow as long as the information is comprehensive and takes readers towards signing up for our service.
    4. Please make sure you write a bit about your own area, [LOCATION] is the tag in the sample to give you an idea of where your own area mentions can go. Mention a few parks if it fits into the content or health centres/swimming centres around your area. But when you mention them, please don’t provide their contact details. The reason behind mentioning them is so that search engines can pick up relevancy and readers who search for those facilities and places can also come to your post. If you provide their contact information, people will just book with them.
    5. Please be mindful of grammatical issues and please ensure your article has subheadings like the sample has.
    6. Please double check spellings and avoid writing long sentences to increase the word count and meet the target.
    7. When writing the post, please think from the perspective of someone who is looking for this service. Be it a football lesson or a fitness trainer – there are some questions people want answered. Try to answer them in your article but also leave room for them to want to contact you for more information.
    8. When writing the final call to action – you don’t have to say contact us to hire a trainer, you can also say contact us for a consultation or contact us to discuss this further.
    9. Please submit complete articles, do not submit half articles and make sure the title is exactly as provided: Swimming Classes for Children in [LOCATION] <— this is to be replaced with your area’s name.
    10. When submitting the article – please check for extra spaces between paragraphs and remove them. Also please mark all subheadings as Heading 2 (if you have questions about this, please contact me or sisters Hena and Runa).
    11. If you have any questions, feel free to message me on WhatsApp or email me, but please do some research first and have a draft that you can show your team leaders or members of the rockstar team to get feedback.
    12. Please submit this article by Tuesday, 26th September, 2017.

    Sample Post:

    Swimming Classes for Children in [LOCATION]

    The earth is 70% water, so for most places in the world, there is simply no escaping it, especially in the summer months when things get hot. Swimming, is not just a great activity for health and fitness, but also an essential life-skill.

    When you think ‘swimming’, you don’t necessarily have to become an Olympic swimmer. People enjoy swimming at all levels, from experts to beginners, and it’s best to start getting swimming lessons as early as possible.

    Whether you’ve been thinking of swimming classes for yourself or your kids, now is a great time to start by hiring professional swimming instructors or joining swimming classes in [LOCATION].

    Benefits of Swimming for Fitness

    Swimming has lots of health benefits for people of all ages and especially for kids if they start early and continue with it in later stages of life. Here are four reasons why swimming classes are important for kids:

    1. Burns Calories and lose weight

    To lose weight, you have to burn more calories than you consume, which is why physical activity is important. Swimming is very efficient at burning calories, and research shows that, depending on one’s weight and the intensity at which they swim, it is possible to burn between 490 and 700 calories in just an hour of swimming. This is an immense benefit for kids who may be struggling with obesity.

    1. Builds endurance and cardiovascular fitness

    Even if your kids are not obese or overweight, swimming still has a lot of important health benefits for them. Being a cardiovascular exercise, if it is performed with enough intensity, it will lead to improved endurance and a healthier cardiovascular system. All of this will contribute positively towards any other physical activity or sport your kids take up later.

    1. All-round body strength

    Swimming is the true definition of a total body sport. While swimming, you will need to use your arms, legs, butt, back, and even neck muscles to maintain your balance and propel your body through the water. Although you won’t build much muscle mass from swimming, you will get stronger and develop all the important muscle groups of your body.

    This is an important benefit since your muscles are used in pretty much everything you will do in the course of your daily routine.

    1. Low impact on joints

    A major challenge with other exercises and sports that may yield some of the same benefits as swimming is the fact that these exercises often stress joints. Swimming is often recommended for overweight or obese people for the simple reason that water tends to absorb impacts and acts as a cushion, reducing stress on joints.

    1. Outlet for social bonding and confidence building

    Going for swimming classes and meeting other kids will create an environment for your kids to make new friends and develop important social skills. Also, keeping them engaged with an activity that requires them to learn a skill and improve it over time develops important life skills and builds confidence.

    1. A skill that can save lives

    Swimming is an important life skill that every child needs to have in case the need ever arises. You will be surprised at how few people actually know how to swim and end up having to opt out of water-based activities.

    Why Hire a Swimming Instructor in [LOCATION] for Kids?

    The decision to get your children involved in swimming is great and we recommend it for the reasons discussed above. But the next step involves getting them a suitable trainer or a swimming instructor that covers [LOCATION].

    There are a couple of swimming classes going on in [LOCATION], such as [NAME1], [NAME2] and [NAME3], but if you’re looking for a more personalized approach, we can help connect you to professional swimming trainers who can coach your kids at your home if you have a pool or at the nearest swimming centre or club.

    Some people do try to do it on their own by trying to coach their own kids, and while that is okay if you have time, but a professional trainer begins with a plan and teaches every step and different methods/techniques.

    The best thing to do is hire a swimming instructor or get your kids enrolled in a swimming class, and we can help connect you with the best swimming classes in [LOCATION] as well.

    You might have some questions about what makes a swimming class good, and here are a few factors:

    1. Qualified Instructors

    Instructors should not just be experienced swimmers. They should have certifications that qualify them to teach people how to swim. Knowing how to swim does not quality one to teach. Swimming is an activity that incorporates several different techniques and methods which need to be learnt.

    1. Child friendly atmosphere

    Children tend to learn best when they are having fun, so a good swimming class for kids focus on making the learning experience fun and engaging.

    1. Safety measures

    As with any activity, safety is an important consideration with swimming too. A good swimming instructor will always put safety first, and the same goes for classes. Whether it’s having a dedicated person observing all participants or first aid equipment in case of emergencies, make sure your child is learning in a safe environment.

    How to get started?

    If you are ready to get your kids enrolled in a swimming class, the perfect way to get started is simply to fill out the form below, and provide us with your contact details. We’ll then get in touch with you to discuss the available options in [LOCATION].

    No matter where you are in [LOCATION], we have great swimming classes for kids that are flexible and affordable. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us via the details below.

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